
Dog harness and its main advantages

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Dog harness and its main advantages
Dodano: 2015-08-11Kategoria: Serwis / Weterynaryjne, Hodowla Zwierząt

Having a dog is not only a joy, but also a bunch of responsibilities. One of the most important things is walking the dog. When it comes to dog"s health and good mood, it is absolutely essential to provide him or her everyday activity. Sometimes a few strolls are enough, but in other cases, dogs need much more entertainment. While walking or playing games with the dog, it is also significant to keep him/her safe. That"s why everyone needs to use dog"s collar and leash. As the collar can be inconvenient, specialists say, that dog harness is a better solution. The main advantage of harness is that it doesn"t press dog"s throat. Even if a man pulls the leash to stop his dog, the animal doesn"t feel any pain. It"s harmless to the dog. The other thing is that dog harness makes it easier to hold the leash and to control the animal. Owing to the fact, that it"s more comfortable for both - the animal and the owner, harness is also the best solution, when their want to run or do other kinds of sport.

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